by Livingston Animal Hospital | Apr 13, 2021 | Blog
Heartworm can be a confusing topic, but our team is here to help you get to the truth! We’ve debunked some common heartworm myths to help pet owners understand the importance of year-round prevention. Myth: Only dogs get heartworms Truth: Heartworms can...
by Livingston Animal Hospital | Apr 4, 2021 | Blog
Dogs can be weird creatures, and do things that often leave their owners scratching their heads. Does your pooch do any of the following things? #1: Your dog scoots along the carpet Many people believe dogs drag their rear ends along the carpet because of...
by Livingston Animal Hospital | Mar 27, 2021 | Blog
In honor of March being National Pet Poison Prevention Month, we want to remind you of the steps to take if your furry pal has been in contact with a potentially toxic substance. Our team at Livingston Animal Hospital knows it can be easy to panic, but we recommend...
by Livingston Animal Hospital | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog
Spring is on its way, which means many of us will begin spending more time outdoors with our furry friends. Our team at Livingston Animal Hospital wants to keep your pet safe all year long by bringing awareness to some of the common outdoor items that could be toxic....
by Livingston Animal Hospital | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog
Dental health in your furry friend is just as important as their physical health! Persistent deciduous teeth, or baby teeth that refuse to fall out, can lead to many difficulties with your pet’s permanent dentition and also can harm their oral health. This dental...