BOOK APPOINTMENTYour Pet’s Neuter Surgery
Our team at Livingston Animal Hospital knows that it can be challenging for pet owners to have their fur babies go under anesthesia for surgery. We want to explain your male pet's neuter surgery, so you can feel at ease when it is their time to get neutered. Step 1:...
Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets
When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, ensure your pet is prepared for travel with the following tips from our veterinary team here at Livingston Animal Hospital. #1:...
How to Teach Your Dog to Focus on Walks
When you take your pup on a stroll around your neighborhood, do they lunge and bark at every living thing? Many dogs become hyper-focused on other dogs, people, squirrels, cars, or other moving objects, making your daily walk less than pleasant. Dogs who react this...