BOOK APPOINTMENTFive Home Hazards That Could Prove Fatal to Your Furry Friend
Five Home Hazards That Could Prove Fatal to Your Furry Friend As National Animal Poison Prevention Week is fast approaching from March 19 to 25, our team wants to make sure everyone knows about the most common dangers that can lurk in your home and harm pets. We have...
Fun Valentine’s Day Pet Treat Ideas
Although you show your furry friend just how much you love them every day, Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to shower them with even more adoration. While your pet cannot have chocolate, there are many other safe pet treats you can share with them. Try the...
Is It Time for Your Pet’s Dental Cleaning?
Every pet is different, and so is the time frame in which they need their teeth cleaned. However, here are three signs that mean your four-legged friend would benefit from a professional pet dental cleaning. #1: Your pet has persistent deciduous teeth Do you have a...
How to Avoid a Winter Pet Emergency
Summertime comes with a host of hazards for pets, but colder weather also brings its own dangers. As the temperature drops, watch out for the following issues that can require emergency care for your furry pal. Antifreeze toxicity in pets Antifreeze is used to keep...
Is My Pet Getting the Correct Amount of Daily Exercise They Need?
Are you looking for information about how much exercise your pet needs each day? Providing an adequate level of physical activity is essential for keeping your pet healthy and happy—it’s just as important to their wellbeing as a nutritious diet. But with so many...
Ways To Keep Your Pet Entertained This Winter
No one enjoys being cooped up indoors all winter long. But even if you can't get outside as much as you'd like, that doesn't mean your pet has to suffer. There are plenty of ways to keep your pet entertained and active indoors this winter. Here are a few ideas to get...
Behavioral Issues That Can Arise As Your Pet Ages
When our furry friends age, it's natural for them to slow down both physically and mentally. As owners, we may start to notice changes in behavior as our pets enter their golden years. In this blog post, we'll discuss some common behavior problems seen in senior pets,...
Things to Know When Preparing a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet
Most pet owners want to include their furry friends in every aspect of their lives, including Thanksgiving. But while it may be tempting to let them join in on the festivities, it's important to remember that some foods and ingredients can be dangerous for them. In...
4 Tips To Help Your Senior Pet With Seasonal Changes
When the seasons start to change, dogs and cats of all ages can feel the effects. Senior pets, in particular, can find it harder to adapt to the new temperature and weather conditions. Here are some tips for helping your elderly pet handle the changing seasons. #1:...
5 Pet Safety Tips for Inside & Outside the Home
Pets are like members of the family, and we want to make sure they are safe and happy inside and outside our home. Unfortunately, not all pet owners take the necessary precautions to keep their furry friends safe. In this blog post, we'll provide tips on how to keep...